Saturday, April 4, 2009

"Whatever Happened, Happened" - Episode 5x11

Whoa, pretty good episode this week! Not a whole lot that hadn't already been figured out by most fans, but always good to actually see it happen. And the end was a bit unexpected.

Okay, on to the details, in no particular order...

1. So now we know what Sawyer whispered to Kate in the helicopter right before he jumped, back in Season 4. Apparently he was telling her to make sure his daughter was taken care of. Although mommy dearest wasn't too interested in any money from dear ol' dad, understandably. Even if the money wasn't even Sawyer's, but Kate's. Which is kind of weird, because, didn't Sawyer have a stash from back when he made that deal to get out of prison? Don't remember the details, so maybe not. Just a thought.

2. Freaky scene with Kate losing Aaron - every parent's worst nightmare. Were we supposed to know that Claire-look-alike who found Aaron? The way they focused on her, I felt like it. Maybe we're supposed to remember her later. Or maybe it was just a major moment for Kate, realizing what she later told Cassidy, about how she's ready to let go of Aaron.

3, And so I guess her broken heart over Sawyer is fixed now that she's ready to let go of Aaron? Hope so, I'm kind of tired of the Sawyer/Kate/Jack/Juliet deal. And Cassidy seems to have nailed it about why Sawyer jumped from the helicopter. And here we all thought he was so brave! Turns out he was really just being a coward. Oh well, NOW he's the brave leader, since he's "grown up a lot the last 3 years".

4. And hello, grocery store stocker - how do you NOT see a 3-year-old boy with a woman who asks you for something?? When Kate went back to ask him if he'd seen her son, the guy was like, "uh... your son?" as if he thought Kate was looney for thinking she had a son. Weirdo...

5. Kate sure blabs easy! Good grief, she was spilling all the details to everybody in this episode. Cassidy got everything, and Claire's mom got most of it. Funny too how Claire's mom seems kind of repulsed by both Jack and Kate. Little does she know that Jack is her daughter's half-brother, and if Jack and Kate had ended up getting married, then Kate would have been sort of like her daughter-in-law.

6. And now we know why Kate came back to the island, what caused her sudden change-of-heart from "absolutely not" at the dock to all over Jack and ready to go back. She wants to find Claire, apparently - for Aaron's sake, I guess? We're gradually seeing why each person came back to the island... still wondering what made Hurley come back.

7. Speaking of Hurley, his conversation with Miles was hilarious!! I'm sure now that Damon and Carlton have people reading the forums, because I've heard all of that almost verbatim! Miles has it exactly right (for the Lost universe), I hope it helps eliminate or at least minimize the Alternate Timeline crowd. The writers have said over and over and OVER that there is only one timeline. Unless they just totally change things up on us, Miles/Daniel is right and nothing can be changed (pun intended).

8. Yay for more Richard! Anytime he's in the episode, you know it's a good one. Weird how he just appeared out of the forest like that! And then said something like, "you wanted to find me, here I am". How did he know they were there and looking for him? Was he with the Others' hunting party all along and suddenly appeared, just to seem mysterious? Do the Others have hidden cameras around the jungle? Does Richard have super-hearing? Very strange.

9. The Temple! What will happen to Ben in the Temple?? What does that mean, "he'll lose his innocence"? Then in the promo for next week, Ben says, "I broke the rules". So maybe, in order to get healed, little Ben had to make some sort of "deal" with the Island? And what kind of pull does Richard have in the Temple? LOTS of mystery surrounding the Temple.

10. LOVED the line Richard said about not answering to Charles or Ellie. Hmm! Apparently then, Widmore AND Hawking were still on the island in the 70s, presumably even during the Purge, and clearly during the time when Ben joins the Others. No wonder Widmore told Ben (when Ben came to Widmore at the end of Season 4 I think? the black-and-white scene where Widmore was in bed and Ben committed to going after Penny in order to avenge Alex's death), "I know who you are, boy. WHAT you are." Still not sure what all that means, but now we know WHY Widmore knows those things about Ben.

11. Also, seems like Widmore and Hawking may have hooked up by then? And perhaps had Daniel? Maybe Daniel was even born on the island?

12. Sounds like some kind of power play going on there too, between Widmore/Hawking and Richard. Maybe that's partly why Widmore gets banished (Hawking too?) and Ben gets put in leadership- maybe the island heals Ben in return for a promise of leadership? Lots of speculation here, obviously.

13. Also loved Ben's face at seeing John alive again. Looks like Ben definitely had no idea John would ever live again.

Totally can't wait for next week!! Ben being judged for his "sins" - hopefully we'll learn a lot and Ben better not die!!!!! He's my favorite character on that show, and supposedly some major character will die this season.

If I find any interesting links, I'll post them here. Otherwise, see you next week for "Dead is Dead".

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